Thursday, October 17, 2019

The DO IT ALL Personality

Hi my name is Ashley and I am about to get really raw with you all. I am a "do it all" personality. What I mean by this is I want to be able to do it all NOW but I can't which causes anxiety, depression, anger and self doubt because I try to do it all anyway. By "all" for me I mean, I want to be a stay at home mom and homemaker, I want to work and bring in an income, I want to be able to enjoy every aspect of my 4 children's childhood including school activities and such, I want to have time to spend with my friends, I want to clean and organize the house but I also want to spend time with my family, I want to volunteer and be more involved with our church, I want to homeschool, I want to travel, I want to get my real estate license, I want my Arbonne business to be further along then it is (even though I just started and it is actually doing better then the average person who started just 3 months ago), and so on. You get the picture, I have big wants, goals and dreams... with little patience.

This is something I always knew about myself but am just now really realizing because the people who mean the most to me are starting to suffer because I am spread so thin. I am get snippy easily, I am sad a lot, I blame others and it's just not pretty and its not me. I think part of it being so bad lately is because for the first time in years I actually have energy and feel good. I am motivated to get things done and better myself and my families lives. The thing is I realized I can not do it all, at least not all at once! That it is okay to have goals and dreams but I need to focus on one thing at a time and what I need to do to get me there. What is priority and what can wait. I needed to remember that God is in charge, not me. That I need to breath and pray and figure out what is the most important to me. I made a list of what is most important and a reasonable time frame. Having it in black and white not just in my head helped. I am not sure why I felt the need to write this, maybe someone out there needs to know they are not the only "do it all" out there and that it's time to step back and let God take control. Whatever the reason, here it is.

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