Tuesday, September 17, 2019


WOW! It has been a LONG time since I've been on here!!! So many things have changed... where to start without this being super long winded?!

First, I've had 2 more babies a girl who is now 2 and another boy who is 1. They are 15 months apart and I'm not going to lie, that is HARD! They are just what we didn't know we needed though. They keep life busy and interesting that is for sure! If you lost count that makes a total of 4 kids, 9 and under, 1 potty training and 1 still fully in diapers.... we need a stiff drink most days (HAHAHA) but seriously, send white claws, yep that just happened. 

Second, I went back to work full time. It was a HUGE adjustment for the whole family and I did not adjust as quickly as I thought I would, but we are in a groove now. If a groove is a family of squirrels let loose in a nut factory but we are making it work.

Third, a few month before I started work I went in to septic shock and almost died. Then not long after I started work my Crohns flared up BAD to the point I had to have emergency surgery, bowel resection. I was out of work at my new month old job for almost 6 weeks... it was rough! Stress related, 100% in my opinion but was bound to happen anyway at some point they said. The recovery was the worse part as I got infection and abscess. Then I developed blood clots in my portal vein causing PVT. Its been a heck of a ride with my health but I am back on track now! I am much more aware of what I am eating and how I am living my life because of all of this also.

Fourth, I am back on track because of a company called Arbonne. My friend told me about it for MONTHS and I was scared try try something new as it may make my crohns worse. I finally tried their skin care and loved it then NOTHING was helping me still after surgery so I said what the heck and tried their nutrition line. Y'ALL in just a week I was feeling better and in just 2 weeks I was back to what I could remember before Crohns. I was BLOWN AWAY that this actually worked! I have now been using the nutrition daily for 2 months and feel like a normal person again and have such a better quality of life. Now do I still have to watch what I eat, yes but the 30 days program with Arbonne taught me how to do that!  Because of so much success (for my whole family) with their products, the QUALITY of the products and what they stand for I decided I others needed to know and I wanted to share it with them so I became an Independent Consultant with Arbonne. That is job number 2 for me... just a to add to my busy life. I love it though! Helping others live a healthier and better life is such a passion of mine and I feel my calling I have found out! It doesn't even feel like work to me. Link to a healthier life!

Lastly, this blog! I am back and changing it up. It is no longer Cooking with Mrs. Milly but Cooking up LIFE with Mrs. Milly. I will still be posting recipes, most healthier then the past but also all about life as a family of 6, my business, mom, wife and kid related posts and more! I am super excited to start sharing with you all again!

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