Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Story That Starts My Journey

I have been back and fourth about writing about this. I do not like people feeling sorry for me and talking about the not so good things in my life. Awareness needs to be raised about this topic though, so here is my story. My life changed at the end of 2013, I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease. What is crohns disease you ask? I had no clue either, but quickly found out. It’s an Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) that I will have for life. I was in shock! "but I don't get upset stomach really its just PAIN, crazy pain" I said. Well, I was made aware everyone is different and all tests point to Crohns, but its something I can get under control with medication. So it starts, my journey with Crohn's. 

Here is a link that explains Crohn's INFO LINK.   

So after a long road of denial, research, changes of meds 4 times, FINALLY I found a medication that worked and I was back to normal and in remission!!!!! I beat this, I can eat anything again, and I’m STRONG! I was living life with just a hick-up here and there that I could take a little pill to fix it and was going on with life like "normal" for almost a year.  Then it hit me one day; my little pill didn't fix it this time, what was happening? NO! I cannot go through this again! So I took 2 pills and that did it, next time it was 3 pills and that was the max I could take, I started watching what I ate, kind of. My doctors just said if it bothers you don't eat it; they never gave me a specific diet to follow. Now we are over a year in this game of can I eat that and I am doing good again so I eat what I want to a point, I love food, I love cooking it was so hard to avoid certain things. I hit another wall just before my 30th birthday, go for a bunch of testing, get put on a low residue diet and am told it is worse so lets add this new oral medication to the injections you are already on. Also that I am very iron anemic and B-12 deficient due to my Crohns being mainly in my small intestines I am not absorbing all the nutrients I need from food alone. Well CRAP! That’s all I can think, I get to feeling a bit better for about 2 months then my life REALLY CHANGED.

A week ago from writing this 8/20/2015 I called my GYN doctor because I am having such bad pain but it is very low like lady parts or my bladder. I didn't think it was my GI issues at all. My husband tried to take me to the ER but I said no I’m fine, I wasn't. I go to my appointment and the doctor tells me all my lady parts and bladder are fine BUT he sees something in the sonogram that worried him and I need to go straight to the ER. I was in shock; I could feel the tears well up I didn't know what to think. Well hours of being in the ER latter I am admitted for 4 days to the hospital with a major Crohns flare treated by morphine (that was weird lol), steroids and 2 antibiotics all through an IV. I was scared, confused and cold. Why is it so dang cold in hospitals?! The 4 days and 3 nights I lay in a hospital bed, being fed nothing but broth and jello (insert vomit sound). I really did my research and did a lot of thinking. Time for a change. I will do my best to never be in this position again. The doctor says I need to get infusion therapy now. I say the food I put in my body has to be a big change also!!! The past week my family has been eating food brought by family and church members as I slowly add solids back in my diet. My GI system is still calming down and from now on what I put in it will only be what’s good for it!

I will still be cooking yummy meals, blogging and keeping up all my old recipes I’ve already posted. I hope you are patient with me as I get going and will join me in my new food journey to health!

Health and Happiness!

~Mrs. Milly~

Pear Tart

My husband's Granny has 2 pear trees and towards the end summer each year they are ready to be picked. We took the kids out there (to the country) and made a day of visiting, fishing and pear picking. The kids loved it and my oldest was eager to help me make something out of them. I did my research trying to figure out what I was going to make and kept going back to a tart. I have never made one before, also had to look up what was different between a tart and pie, and if you follow me you know baking and I do not always get along. Well I did it and it turned out great!!!

  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • 8 Tbsp butter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 Tbsp cold water, or more if needed
-Mix together dry ingredients.
-Cut in butter.
-Mix in egg yolk and water.
-It should be a stiff but workable dough ball.
 -Roll out to about 9 inches and place in tart pan.
-With fingertips, press dough evenly up the sides of the tart pan and fold if needed .
-Chill dough in freezer while slicing the pears.

  • 5 pears
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 2 Tbsp flour
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 Tbsp cinnamon
-Peel and slice pears. I cored them and used my mandolin to slice them.
-Toss them in the cinnamon. 
-Remove crust from freezer and arrange pears in an overlapping pattern.
-Mix remaining flour and sugar and butter in a small bowl.

-Cover the pears with filling.
-You may not use all of the filling.
-Bake at 400 degrees for approximately 35 minutes or until crust is golden and filling is bubbly.


~Mrs. Milly~